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Our youth activities promote our values and help build lifelong friendships.

At Reeds UMC we have 3 youth groups, ranging from Kgt through 12th grades. This is an exciting time for them to be together to celebrate a life in Christ. 

In January 2005 we made a full time Youth Center available for children and young adults. We have added a Tutorial Program at our Youth Center each afternoon for students to come for homework help, tutoring, computer use, and a safe place just to hang out.  

We have implemented a Safe Sanctuaries policy at our church, so that all our youth will be protected.  All youth leaders and workers are carefully investigated with Federal background checks, first aid and CPR certification, and special training provided by the United Methodist church.

Our youth groups function all year long with various activities both within and outside of the church. Please come see our Youth Center and sit in on a meeting. We know you will have a great time. You don't have to be a member of Reeds UMC to attend Youth.
* Senior Youth (9-12)      Meet every Sunday from 4:30-6:00pm
* Junior Youth (6-8)        Meet every Sunday from 4:30-6:00pm
* Little Branches (K-5)    Meet every other Sunday from 3:00-4:00
Check out the calendar page for details about meetings and trips as well as cancellations.
Developing and promoting youth activities is an important part of our church. Here we will discuss what we are doing to assist in the growth of our youth.


LEADERS: Scott & Shannon Baka
home: 336-956-6477

E-MAIL link



Contact Shannon Baka with any questions or to make reservations for trips!

     The Senior Youth Group meets every Sunday evening from 4:30-6:00pm at the Reeds United Methodist Church Youth Center.  Our group takes part in many church and community service activities and we also know how to have a good time spreading God's Word.  Some of the services we participate in include spending time with the homebound members of our church congregation and cleaning the pews every week to prepare for Sunday worship (we put devotional phrases in every bible for the congregation to take home).  Other activities that we have participated in include: attending district rallies, the Buddy Walk for the Down Syndrome Society (the youth raised $1026.), Big Brothers & Big Sisters putt-putt night, Christian concerts, Splash at Emerald Pointe, Christian Youth Day at Emerald Pointe,  Christian night at the Winston-Salem Warthogs' game, bowling, and having lock-ins at the youth center.  

     We recently adopted T. S. Payne Road and E. L. Myers Road through the Adopt A Highway Program. We are responsible for road clean-up 4 times per year.

     Our Youth Program has adopted two girls through Compassion International. Maria Cristina C. (9 years old) is from the Philippines and Maria K. (17 years old) is from Africa. We began a Compassion International Fund and have done two fund raiser so far to contribute to their monthly support.

     We attended SUMMIT for the first time in February 2006 and had a blast. This was a weekend retreat in Boone for thousands of UMC youth to grow in their relationship with Christ!



Grades: 6th-8th 

Mission Statement: Our mission, as young disciples of God's love, is to live in peace, to minister to others, and to spread the Word of Jesus Christ, who gave his life over 2,000 years ago, yet still has a powerful impact on our lives today.

     Our youth will have meetings on Sunday evenings from 4:30-6:00pm every week at the Reeds United Methodist Church Youth Center.  We are beginning a new curriculum, "Faith in Motion", which covers topics that most teenagers face at some point in their adolescence and how these topics relate to scripture.  Also, we hope to begin working on a list of service activities for the church and the surrounding community, as well as attend youth rallies, Christian concerts, church lock-ins, and weekend youth retreats, which will supplement the material covered in our weekly meetings.

     The current members of our youth group enjoy participating in activities such as camping, skiing, bowling, and computer/video gaming.  We are all very excited to learn more and more about God's love for us, and we want you to be a part as well!  Feel free to contact Pastor Gary at the church phone number to find out more information regarding the Reeds United Methodist Church Junior Youth Group.

Little Branches

Our newest and youngest youth group. 
Grades Kgt - 5th

Our gatherings will begin with a Bible story. During the meeetings we will sing, make a craft, & close with prayer time.  This will be a wonderful time for fellowship and learning.

We look forward to growing with these children.  This is an exciting time in their lives.  Let us begin our life-time walk with Christ together in young fellowship!!! 


Here is a downloadable version of a youth permission/release form for your convenience.  Please fill out all of the required information (including what the trip or activity is) and give to a youth leader when you drop your child off or send the form with your child.  Don't forget-this form is required to be filled out each time the youth participates in an activity or trip off of church grounds.  You must have Adobe®  Reader®  to view this file.


 We are very excited to share the love of Christ in all that we do and we would love for you to join us as well!  A calendar of events is usually sent out a month in advance and most events will be posted on our online calendar as well.  If you are interested in any of the Youth Groups and would like to find out more information, please feel free to contact Shannon Baka.

A Great Praying Church!